



澳门中华总商会是中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区 largest commercial organization, dedicated to actively responding to the policies of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and united商界人士 to strive for a happy澳门. As a key player in promoting stable development in our region, we are committed to safeguarding our citizens' legitimate rights and advancing social harmony and prosperity.

澳门中华总商会 is comprised of various institutions such as the South湾阅报书室 (八角亭图书馆),商训夜中学,青洲小学, etc., providing essential services for商界人士 including issuing import origin prove, processing American and Canadian business visas, conducting commercial data queries, publishing quarterly updates on 澳门中华总商会会讯, compiling its member list in 澳门中华总商会会员录, and offering library services.

As a community dedicated to fostering economic growth and social stability, we believe that the collaboration between商界人士 and local authorities is key to promoting the prosperity of our region. We invite all商界 enthusiasts to join us in jointly advancing商界的和谐与繁荣。

澳门中华总商会 will work together with the commercial associations across the country to establish stronger ties with mainland China's commercial communities, enhancing our mutual understanding and collaboration efforts. Together, we can make a positive contribution to making our region both beautiful and prosperous.


澳门中华总商会 is a vibrant organization dedicated to serving商界人士, promoting the prosperity of our area, and fostering friendly exchanges with local communities. As a key player in promoting stable development, we aim to make 商界人士 feel valued while also providing them with essential services that support商界的正常运行。

We are committed to safeguarding our citizens' legitimate rights and interests, ensuring their well-being, while also advocating for the harmony and stability of our region. Our members believe that by working together,商界人士 can play a significant role in shaping the future of our area.

As we move forward, 澳门中华总商会 will continue to uphold its mission, collaborating with 商界人士 and local authorities to promote social harmony and economic development. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on making 商区更加繁荣昌盛。




下载网址: https://www.pcsoft.com.cn/fmaurkq/207981?module=soft&t=website

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